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englisch fears/hopes in der zukunft

Nutzer: Gast_borat
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Registriert seit: 02.11.2006
Anzahl Nachrichten: 1

geschrieben am: 14.11.2006    um 20:42 Uhr   
Also hallo erstmal... im Englischunterricht machen wir gerade Gruppenarbeit und da soll meine Gruppe Lleute nach ihren Hoffnungen und Ängsten in der Zukunft befragen.
So, wäre nett wenn ihr mir helfen könntet und die 10 folgenden Fragen beantworten könntet:

1. Are you afraid to have no job?
2. Which job do you want to practice in the future?
3. What are your biggest fears in the future?
4. What are your biggest hopes?
5. Are you afraid to have no husband/ wive/ man/ girlfriend/ boyfriend ?
[ ]yes [ ]no
6. Do you think the future will be harder for us? (also härter als unsere eltern sie hatten)
[ ]strongly agree [ ]agree [ ]disagree [ ]strongly disagree
7. Are you afraid of the future?
[ ]yes [ ]no
8. Are you an optimist, realist or pessimist?
9. Have you got big expections prefer the future?
10. How would you make your future better?

So, danke schon mal im voraus
mfg borat
Nutzer: Xenator
Status: Profiuser
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Registriert seit: 11.11.2006
Anzahl Nachrichten: 24

geschrieben am: 14.11.2006    um 21:19 Uhr   
Zitat von: borat
Also hallo erstmal... im Englischunterricht machen wir gerade Gruppenarbeit und da soll meine Gruppe Lleute nach ihren Hoffnungen und Ängsten in der Zukunft befragen.
So, wäre nett wenn ihr mir helfen könntet und die 10 folgenden Fragen beantworten könntet:

1. Are you afraid to have no job?
2. Which job do you want to practice in the future?
3. What are your biggest fears in the future?
4. What are your biggest hopes?
5. Are you afraid to have no husband/ wive/ man/ girlfriend/ boyfriend ?
[ ]yes [ ]no
6. Do you think the future will be harder for us? (also härter als unsere eltern sie hatten)
[ ]strongly agree [ ]agree [ ]disagree [ ]strongly disagree
7. Are you afraid of the future?
[ ]yes [ ]no
8. Are you an optimist, realist or pessimist?
9. Have you got big expections prefer the future?
10. How would you make your future better?

So, danke schon mal im voraus
mfg borat
Hi borat, ich versuche mein Bestes zu geben:

1. Yes I'm very afraid, because I have no money. I can't buy my clothes and pay my rent (Miete). And I hope I have a job in my future.

2. I want to practice computer science or cook. I must study, but I don't know, if I can this.

3. My biggest fear is, that I have no job in my future and I have no money.

4. My hopes are, that I have money and a job (Was für blöde Fragen das sind)

5. Yes and no. I can live alone, but not anytime. I wish me good friends and I hope, I will got a husband/wife.

6. I agree. Because the world is hard in the future.

7. Yes, very, because the future is wild.

8. I'am a pessimist, because I show everything with my second eye.

9. No, I want to live in piece with my family.

10. If I work in a big combine (Konzern).

Bitte schön. Man beachte, ich bin 20 Jahre aus der Schule raus.

MfG Xenator
Das Herz eines jeden Chat's ist das Forum. Penetranz, Aggressivität und Arroganz gehören dort nicht hinein. "Nihil fit sine causa!" ("Nichts geschieht ohne Grund!")
Nutzer: A_P
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geschrieben am: 15.11.2006    um 15:34 Uhr   
1. Yes I'm quite afraid of having no job, because without a job I can't earn the money to afford my everyday-life

2. Well I think I will go into the direction of event-managment or something like that.

3. My biggest fear in the future is not earning enough money and going into debts. It's hard to get out, you know?

4. I hope that I get a well-payed job with many opportunities working up to the higher ranked.

5. Well, it depends on many different aspects. In some jobs you can't spend enough time with your girlfriend/boyfriend. Maybe later I want to have a husband/wife, but only if i have enough time for him/her.

6. Yes our future will be harder. We've got more debts and more unempoyment. But if we work hard, we can master even that challenge.

7. A little, because the future is unknown. You fear everything you don't know.

8. I'm a pessimist, because pessimism is the most positive way of optimism.

9. The things go like they should go. And I will take them like they are.

10. Always keep your head up!

hoffe ich konnte dir helfen
liebe grüße,
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Nutzer: Branquignole
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geschrieben am: 15.11.2006    um 17:05 Uhr   

1. I'm not. I've got much abilities; I know that I won't automatically find a job because of that but it's a good condition.

2. I always wanted to be an author, and if I can't realise this dream, I'd like to translate books.

3. My biggest fear is to lose the support my family gives me.

4. Not to lose my ability to write, to ameliorate it. (Important for my dream job.)

5. No, not really. Sure it would be great to marry someday, but living alone has its advantages too. (I need much room for my thoughts and time to write, so living with me won't be easy :D)

6. No. In each generation there are difficulties.

7. No. I've got much confidence in myself; I'm not that kind of person that gives up immediately when they have to face problems.

8. Optimist, realist - both. It depends on the situation.

9. I don't know. Maybe. Well, i'll let it come up to me.

10. I'll just believe in myself and never forget what I'm fighting for.

Blubb... Branq