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Hilfe ich muss übersetzen :/

Nutzer: *-lavazza-*
Status: Profiuser
Post schicken
Registriert seit: 06.04.2004
Anzahl Nachrichten: 75

geschrieben am: 06.12.2006    um 17:26 Uhr   
The mystery of Litvinenko's death
By Tom Geoghegan
BBC News

The death bed statement by Alexander Litvinenko blamed Russian President Vladimir Putin for the poison he believes took his life. But will we ever know with certainty who was responsible?
While the Health Protection Agency says it believed Mr Litvinenko was poisoned - probably with the radioactive substance polonium-210 - the question of who was responsible persists.
The former spy's two meetings in central London on 1 November, in Piccadilly and Mayfair, may hold the key to the identity of his killer.
Friends of the 43-year-old have blamed the Russian security service (FSB), as Mr Litvinenko accused it of many abuses, including the bombing of a block of flats in 1999, killing 300 people.
Others had linked his sickness directly to another focus of his criticisms, former KGB agent Putin.
Any involvement has been dismissed by the Kremlin as "nonsense", a sentiment echoed by Russia's foreign intelligence service.
The matter is now in the hands of Scotland Yard, which is investigating the case as an "unexplained death".
Security analyst Glenmore Trenear-Harvey, who met Mr Litvinenko several times, said the media focus on the Kremlin was "lazy" and bore the hallmarks of a John Le Carre novel.
"We have to put this in a historical context," he said.
"Litvinenko's last job within the FSB was heading up the anti-corruption unit and he discovered a lot of corruption there and made a lot of enemies within the KGB."
When Yeltsin broke the KGB into different agencies such as the FSB and the SVR, the majority of its members stayed on but some went into the Duma and a third group went into legitimate business, he said.
But a "murky bunch" went into what was known as the Russian mafia.
Sophisticated poison
"My own belief, and this is speculation, is that it's not inconceivable that Anna Politkovskaya in her search for murderers within the Russian bank system discovered the contract killings were these former KGB people.
"She was killed and if Litvinenko indeed was privy to her investigations then it could well be that they will emerge as his killers."
Although the sophisticated nature of the poison suggested it could have come from the state, there was no motive, he said.
"There was no benefit to Putin or Russian intelligence services to have a highly publicised operation like this."
And despite the continued claims linking Putin, diplomatic relationships between the UK and Russia were unlikely to be affected, he said.
Other experts believe high-level Russian involvement is likely.
The Sunday Times journalist, David Leppard, who broke the story, points to the fact that three weeks of investigations have not identified the ingested substance.
"I think it suggests the development of possibly new toxins or new agents, and that sort of thing can only really be done by a sophisticated, possibly highly organised state agency," he said.

*Lebe und du wirst gehasst und verletzt*
*Sterbe und du wirst geliebt und vermisst*
Nutzer: *-lavazza-*
Status: Profiuser
Post schicken
Registriert seit: 06.04.2004
Anzahl Nachrichten: 75

geschrieben am: 06.12.2006    um 17:28 Uhr   
I think we have to wait until there's better evidence
Alex Pravda
Russia expert

But Alex Pravda, an expert in Russia foreign policy and a member of international analysis organisation Chatham House, believes it is too early to say who was responsible.
"There's a lack of clarity in all this. It's a matter of speculation and I think we have to wait until there's better evidence," he said.
And the lack of coordination between Russian government and other agencies made it difficult to point the finger with any certainty, he said.
What has characterised the Litvinenko case from the start has been the way one explanation has been quickly replaced by another.
It was thallium. No, it was radioactive thallium. No, it was a cocktail of drugs, No, it was a mystery object...
Most of the theories have been ruled out by the clinical director of care at the hospital, Geoff Bellingan, although police are keenly investigating the radioactive explanation.
Given the uncertainty about what killed him, the matter of who killed him may never be resolved.

Kann mir jemand helfen :( Englisch is 0 mein Ding und ich verzwifle hier dranne
*Lebe und du wirst gehasst und verletzt*
*Sterbe und du wirst geliebt und vermisst*
Nutzer: Gaz
Status: Profiuser
Post schicken
Registriert seit: 04.09.2006
Anzahl Nachrichten: 648

geschrieben am: 06.12.2006    um 18:18 Uhr   
Ich könnt dir schon helfen, aber das ist soviel. Oo
Und ich muss zu übermorgen selber 3 Texte übersetzn. xD
Nutzer: Xenator
Status: Profiuser
Post schicken
Registriert seit: 11.11.2006
Anzahl Nachrichten: 24

geschrieben am: 06.12.2006    um 20:34 Uhr   
Zitat von: *-lavazza-*
The mystery of Litvinenko's death
By Tom Geoghegan
BBC News

The death bed statement by Alexander Litvinenko blamed Russian President Vladimir Putin for the poison he believes took his life. But will we ever know with certainty who was responsible?
While the Health Protection Agency says it believed Mr Litvinenko was poisoned - probably with the radioactive substance polonium-210 - the question of who was responsible persists.
The former spy's two meetings in central London on 1 November, in Piccadilly and Mayfair, may hold the key to the identity of his killer.
Friends of the 43-year-old have blamed the Russian security service (FSB), as Mr Litvinenko accused it of many abuses, including the bombing of a block of flats in 1999, killing 300 people.
Others had linked his sickness directly to another focus of his criticisms, former KGB agent Putin.
Any involvement has been dismissed by the Kremlin as "nonsense", a sentiment echoed by Russia's foreign intelligence service.
The matter is now in the hands of Scotland Yard, which is investigating the case as an "unexplained death".
Security analyst Glenmore Trenear-Harvey, who met Mr Litvinenko several times, said the media focus on the Kremlin was "lazy" and bore the hallmarks of a John Le Carre novel.
"We have to put this in a historical context," he said.
"Litvinenko's last job within the FSB was heading up the anti-corruption unit and he discovered a lot of corruption there and made a lot of enemies within the KGB."
When Yeltsin broke the KGB into different agencies such as the FSB and the SVR, the majority of its members stayed on but some went into the Duma and a third group went into legitimate business, he said.
But a "murky bunch" went into what was known as the Russian mafia.
Sophisticated poison
"My own belief, and this is speculation, is that it's not inconceivable that Anna Politkovskaya in her search for murderers within the Russian bank system discovered the contract killings were these former KGB people.
"She was killed and if Litvinenko indeed was privy to her investigations then it could well be that they will emerge as his killers."
Although the sophisticated nature of the poison suggested it could have come from the state, there was no motive, he said.
"There was no benefit to Putin or Russian intelligence services to have a highly publicised operation like this."
And despite the continued claims linking Putin, diplomatic relationships between the UK and Russia were unlikely to be affected, he said.
Other experts believe high-level Russian involvement is likely.
The Sunday Times journalist, David Leppard, who broke the story, points to the fact that three weeks of investigations have not identified the ingested substance.
"I think it suggests the development of possibly new toxins or new agents, and that sort of thing can only really be done by a sophisticated, possibly highly organised state agency," he said.

Das Geheimnis von Tod Litvinenkos durch Tom Geoghegan BBC Nachrichten Die Todesbettaussage durch Alexander Litvinenko getadelten russischen Präsidenten Vladimir Putin für das Gift, das er glaubt, dauerte sein Leben. Aber wissen wir überhaupt mit Sicherheit, die verantwortlich war? Während die Gesundheitsschutz-Agentur sagt, daß sie glaubte, wurde Herrn Litvinenko - vermutlich mit der radioaktiven Substanz polonium-210 - die Frage vergiftet von, wem fortbesteht verantwortlich war. Die ehemaligen Sitzungen zwei des Spions in zentralem London am November 1, in Piccadilly und in Mayfair, können den Schlüssel zur Identität seines Mörders halten. Freunde des 43-year-old haben den russischen Sicherheit Service (FSB), während Herr Litvinenko ihn von vielen Mißbräuchen beschuldigte, einschließlich die Bombardierung eines Wohnblocks 1999, Leute der Tötung 300 getadelt. Andere hatten seine Krankheit direkt mit einem anderen Fokus seiner Kritiken, ehemaliges KGB Mittel Putin verbunden. Jede mögliche Miteinbeziehung ist durch das Kremlin als "Unsinn", ein Gefühl entlassen worden, das durch Rußlands Auslandsnachrichtenservice widergehallt wird. Die Angelegenheit ist jetzt in den Händen des Scotland Yards, das den Fall als "unerklärter Tod" nachforscht. Sicherheit Analytiker Glenmore Trenear-Harvey, der Herrn Litvinenko mehrmals traf, sagte, daß die Mittel auf das Kremlin waren "faul" und bohren die Stempel eines John Le Carre Romans konzentrieren. "wir müssen dieses in einen historischen Kontext einsetzen," sagte er. "Litvinenkos letzter Job innerhalb des FSB ging herauf die Anti-Korruption Maßeinheit voran und er entdeckte eine Menge Korruption dort und bildete Menge von den Feinden innerhalb des KGB." Als Yeltsin das KGB in unterschiedliche Agenturen wie das FSB und das SVR brach, blieb die Majorität seiner Mitglieder auf, aber einige stiegen in das Duma ein und eine dritte Gruppe stieg in gesetzmaßiges Geschäft ein, sagte er. Aber ein "düsteres Bündel" stieg in ein, was als die russische Mafia bekannt. Hoch entwickeltes Gift "mein eigener Glaube, und dieses ist Betrachtung, ist, daß es nicht unbegreiflich ist, daß Anna Politkovskaya in ihrer Suche nach Mördern innerhalb des Systems der russischen Bank entdeckte, die Vertrag Tötungen waren diese ehemaligen KGB Leute. "sie wurde getötet und wenn Litvinenko in der Tat zu ihren Untersuchungen dann geheim war, könnte es hervorquellen ist, daß sie auftauchen als seine Mörder." Obgleich die hoch entwickelte Natur des Gifts vorschlug, könnte sie vom Zustand gekommen sein, gab es kein Motiv, sagte er. "es gab keinen Nutzen zu Putin oder zu russischen Nachrichtendiensten zum Haben einen in hohem Grade publizierten Betrieb so." Und trotz der anhaltenden Ansprüche, die Putin verbinden, waren diplomatische Verhältnisse zwischen Großbritannien und Rußland unwahrscheinlich beeinflußt zu werden, sagte er. Andere Experten glauben, daß hochqualifizierte russische Miteinbeziehung wahrscheinlich ist. Der Sonntag setzt Zeit
Das Herz eines jeden Chat's ist das Forum. Penetranz, Aggressivität und Arroganz gehören dort nicht hinein. "Nihil fit sine causa!" ("Nichts geschieht ohne Grund!")
Nutzer: Xenator
Status: Profiuser
Post schicken
Registriert seit: 11.11.2006
Anzahl Nachrichten: 24

geschrieben am: 06.12.2006    um 20:35 Uhr   
Zitat von: *-lavazza-*
The mystery of Litvinenko's death
By Tom Geoghegan
BBC News

The death bed statement by Alexander Litvinenko blamed Russian President Vladimir Putin for the poison he believes took his life. But will we ever know with certainty who was responsible?
While the Health Protection Agency says it believed Mr Litvinenko was poisoned - probably with the radioactive substance polonium-210 - the question of who was responsible persists.
The former spy's two meetings in central London on 1 November, in Piccadilly and Mayfair, may hold the key to the identity of his killer.
Friends of the 43-year-old have blamed the Russian security service (FSB), as Mr Litvinenko accused it of many abuses, including the bombing of a block of flats in 1999, killing 300 people.
Others had linked his sickness directly to another focus of his criticisms, former KGB agent Putin.
Any involvement has been dismissed by the Kremlin as "nonsense", a sentiment echoed by Russia's foreign intelligence service.
The matter is now in the hands of Scotland Yard, which is investigating the case as an "unexplained death".
Security analyst Glenmore Trenear-Harvey, who met Mr Litvinenko several times, said the media focus on the Kremlin was "lazy" and bore the hallmarks of a John Le Carre novel.
"We have to put this in a historical context," he said.
"Litvinenko's last job within the FSB was heading up the anti-corruption unit and he discovered a lot of corruption there and made a lot of enemies within the KGB."
When Yeltsin broke the KGB into different agencies such as the FSB and the SVR, the majority of its members stayed on but some went into the Duma and a third group went into legitimate business, he said.
But a "murky bunch" went into what was known as the Russian mafia.
Sophisticated poison
"My own belief, and this is speculation, is that it's not inconceivable that Anna Politkovskaya in her search for murderers within the Russian bank system discovered the contract killings were these former KGB people.
"She was killed and if Litvinenko indeed was privy to her investigations then it could well be that they will emerge as his killers."
Although the sophisticated nature of the poison suggested it could have come from the state, there was no motive, he said.
"There was no benefit to Putin or Russian intelligence services to have a highly publicised operation like this."
And despite the continued claims linking Putin, diplomatic relationships between the UK and Russia were unlikely to be affected, he said.
Other experts believe high-level Russian involvement is likely.
The Sunday Times journalist, David Leppard, who broke the story, points to the fact that three weeks of investigations have not identified the ingested substance.
"I think it suggests the development of possibly new toxins or new agents, and that sort of thing can only really be done by a sophisticated, possibly highly organised state agency," he said.

Journalisten, Davids Leppard, der die Geschichte brach, Punkte zur Tatsache fest, daß drei Wochen Untersuchungen nicht die eingenommene Substanz gekennzeichnet haben. "ich denke, daß er die Entwicklung der vielleicht neuen Giftstoffe oder der neuen Mittel vorschlägt und diese Art der Sache durch ein hoch entwickeltes nur wirklich erfolgt werden kann, vielleicht in hohem Grade organisierte Zustandagentur," sagte er.

Problem ist Grammatik, musst du sehen, wie du das machst.
Das Herz eines jeden Chat's ist das Forum. Penetranz, Aggressivität und Arroganz gehören dort nicht hinein. "Nihil fit sine causa!" ("Nichts geschieht ohne Grund!")
Nutzer: Xenator
Status: Profiuser
Post schicken
Registriert seit: 11.11.2006
Anzahl Nachrichten: 24

geschrieben am: 06.12.2006    um 20:36 Uhr   
Zitat von: *-lavazza-*
I think we have to wait until there's better evidence
Alex Pravda
Russia expert

But Alex Pravda, an expert in Russia foreign policy and a member of international analysis organisation Chatham House, believes it is too early to say who was responsible.
"There's a lack of clarity in all this. It's a matter of speculation and I think we have to wait until there's better evidence," he said.
And the lack of coordination between Russian government and other agencies made it difficult to point the finger with any certainty, he said.
What has characterised the Litvinenko case from the start has been the way one explanation has been quickly replaced by another.
It was thallium. No, it was radioactive thallium. No, it was a cocktail of drugs, No, it was a mystery object...
Most of the theories have been ruled out by the clinical director of care at the hospital, Geoff Bellingan, although police are keenly investigating the radioactive explanation.
Given the uncertainty about what killed him, the matter of who killed him may never be resolved.

Kann mir jemand helfen :( Englisch is 0 mein Ding und ich verzwifle hier dranne
Ich denke, daß wir warten müssen, bis es besseren Beweis Alex Pravda Rußland Experten gibt Aber Alex Pravda, ein Experte Rußland in der fremden Politik und ein Mitglied vom internationalen Analyse Organisation Chatham Haus, glaubt, daß es zu früh ist, zu sagen, wem verantwortlich war. "es gibt einen Mangel an Klarheit in allem dieses. Es ist eine Angelegenheit der Betrachtung und ich denke, daß wir, bis es besseren Beweis gibt, "ihn warten müssen sagten. Und der Mangel an Korrdination zwischen russischer Regierung und anderen Agenturen bildete es schwierig, den Finger mit jeder möglicher Sicherheit zu zeigen, sagte er. Was gekennzeichnet hat, ist der Litvinenko Fall von Anfang an die Weise gewesen, eine, die Erklärung schnell durch andere ersetzt worden ist. Es war Thallium. Nr., war es radioaktives Thallium. Nr., war es ein Cocktail der Drogen, Nr., es war ein Geheimnisgegenstand... Die meisten Theorien sind vom klinischen Direktor von Obacht am Krankenhaus, Geoff Bellingan durchgestrichen worden, obgleich Polizei scharf die radioaktive Erklärung nachforscht. Gegeben die Ungewißheit über was ihn, die Angelegenheit tötete von, wem ihn tötete, können nie behoben werden.

Ich hoffe ich kann dir ein bisschen helfen. Bis dann.

MfG Xenator
Das Herz eines jeden Chat's ist das Forum. Penetranz, Aggressivität und Arroganz gehören dort nicht hinein. "Nihil fit sine causa!" ("Nichts geschieht ohne Grund!")
Nutzer: *-lavazza-*
Status: Profiuser
Post schicken
Registriert seit: 06.04.2004
Anzahl Nachrichten: 75

geschrieben am: 06.12.2006    um 22:19 Uhr   
[i] Hey Dankeschön damit kann ich denke ich mal mir schon irgendwie was zusammen fuckeln
*Lebe und du wirst gehasst und verletzt*
*Sterbe und du wirst geliebt und vermisst*