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I'll be there for you

Nutzer: Little_Nicky
Status: Profiuser
Post schicken
Registriert seit: 01.01.2002
Anzahl Nachrichten: 287

geschrieben am: 09.01.2002    um 17:42 Uhr   
our friendship is a crazy one,
we're sharing heartache,
we're sharing fun
I understnd you without words,
feel yor sorrow- and it hurts
is there a next day for you and me?
how long is your life going to be?
I can't help you with my words
mut inside me is fear,
and it burns
why aren't you happy??
you're not alone!
I'll always be there for you...
And i know I'm not the only one..

das passt zu meiner besten freundin möhre
hab sie ganz doll lieb
