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Nutzer: MondesNacht
Status: Profiuser
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Registriert seit: 07.07.2001
Anzahl Nachrichten: 596

geschrieben am: 21.02.2002    um 01:55 Uhr   
Get down on your knees and feed the illusion
Get down on your knees and prolong the delusion
Superstition is the religion of the feeble mind
Liberty and Justice - The illusions of mankind
A dogamtic expression in every direction
There is no redemption in divine intervention
The world is a disease that cannot be cured
The truth is a voice that cannot be heard

Jihad - The twisted hands of faith
Jihad - In the name of Hate
Jihad - The twisted hands of faith
Jihad - In the name of Hate

Hate is the solution to life's evolution
Love is a high that you cannot sustain
For each age is a dream that is dying
And freedom is a whore that we love to adore

Jihad - To be touched by the hands of God
Jihad - To be touched by the hands of God

Hate is the solution to life's evolution
Love is a high that you cannot sustain
For each age is a dream that is dying
And freedom is a whore that we love to adore

Jihad - To be touched by the hands of God
Jihad - To be touched by the hands of God

A dogamtic expression in every direction
There is no redemtpion in divine intervention
The world is a disease that cannot be cured
The truth is a voice that cannot be heard

The Kovenant - Jihad
Geändert am 21.02.2002 um 01:59 Uhr von MondesNacht