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Nutzer: skatergirl4fun
Status: Profiuser
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Registriert seit: 01.04.2004
Anzahl Nachrichten: 579

geschrieben am: 12.11.2004    um 02:23 Uhr   
[i][schwarz]A Walk to Remember

This walk I take to remember,
it's in the month of November.
I walk where families cried,
and where soldiers died.

As I imagine the war,
I see all the sick and poor.
When I look them in the face,
I must quicken my pace.

As I walk along by,
I see little kids cry.
When it starts to hail,
I see their ghost-white faces,all pale.

I traesure being here.
I can see their spirits are near.
This walk I take to remember,
is on the 11th of November.
This walk I take in Flanders Fields.

By Carmen Astle
Hilltop High School

~In memorial to all veterans~
